Thursday, May 31, 2012


THE journey begins... great house, great lot now to live thru the rehab!!!!  WHILE living in it.. oh oops!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Getting better!!

Thank you to everyone who has been checking on me, calling , emailing... checking daily to make sure I am still alive...  This dizzy disease is crazy... I am doing better and am about 85% improved...
  I was going to the store this morning but had a bad dizzy spell... so think I will wait awhile.  Getting dizzy on the cobble stones is so not a good idea!!!   Maybe a little later this morning... Mornings can be the hardest...
  It is so wonderful to know I have such caring friends!!   Gracias!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I have labyrinthitis ... that is why I am so dizzy and considering jumping off a bridge... this is horrible!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Crazy Woman!

I have spent all day trying to get my blog back... most frustrating..  kept changing my password , starting again etc.. Blogspot is not blogger friendly!!!
 Then  my cat bit me, Tito of course... he left a big bruise,   I stubbed my toe on a chair in my studio... not broken.. that is todays GOOD news...
My iTunes account went to the big internet in heaven  !!!.. After a very confusing time with the "HELP" desk that is now working..

I have a very sore throat  in fact I feel so nasty that I have not even had a glass of wine in two days...  those that know me will know I am NOT well... think it is an inner ear thing.. not better in the morning I am going to have to do 'something" Not sure what something is... been drinking green drinks all day... Not sure I have ever had this many veggies in one day!!
The ear thing is making me dizzy.. I fell once... again nothing broke.. :-)  I just sort of slide down a wall.. scared my housekeeper...

My gallery is closed for a month.. ( nobody got my vote on that)..tho May sucks here... Had planned to be in the States the last two weeks but that got changed...

So all in all I think that Mercury must be in retrograde... AGAIN...(even tho the reports say no) . There was something that was way off today....  Did I mention it is HOTTER than hell here... okay maybe not hell , but it is hot for SMA.. May is our summer  here. That is when the sun is over head on its way North.... so all of you stuck in the North I am here to tell you the sun is on its way and it is a warm one!!

Now to bed and to wake up in the morning... with all this behind me....

OH poor me!!!

WAIT... I hear rain!!!  Does that mean it will be cooler tomorrow... umm  or more humid... we will see...

PS... I am never ever signing out of blogger!!!!